creating today sep 28 2014

A well-lived life is one which is resolved to remain open to novel possibilities and callings. A life lived in the truth is lived in a tension between letting-be-what-is for this time and in this place, and a resolve to remain open to the dawning of new possibilities.
- Sylvia Fleming Crocker

- photo by kevin knebl

- photo by kevin knebl

creating access, spontaneity and without expectation...

letting go into new possibilities; how will the whole, as it is in this moment, be embraced today?

peace, love and joy...


creating today may 14 2014

Two may talk together under the same roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends.
- Mary Catherwood

- photo by marie dudek brown

- photo by marie dudek brown

creating connectivity, access and rapport...

letting go into vulnerability; where will kindred spirit lead today?

peace, love and joy...